Windscreen Services
Your windscreen, side and rear glass are all important to your vehicle’s safe operation. Auto Miraj’s Windscreens treatments provides windscreen treatments all kinds of vehicles. Auto Miraj understands how to care for your windscreen and provide comprehensive windscreen repair services.
Gyeon Q2 View is a highly advanced quartz-based, rain repellent coating for your exterior glass, it is super-hydrophobic making water shoot off your windscreen or windows as you drive along. This new glass coating/sealant of Auto Miraj improves visibility, and thus safety when driving in wet conditions – and bets of all it lasts 12 months on your windscreen and up to 36 months on side windows.
Your windscreen, side and rear glass are all important to your vehicle’s safe operation. Auto Miraj Windscreen Treatments provides windscreen protection with comprehensive windscreen repair expertise.